ADG LDI (Pvt.) Ltd. is licensed by Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) to provide LDI services. The Company provides nation-wide long distance and international voice transport services to leading international carriers.
ADG LDI is based on Next Generation Network and incorporates state of the art technology with a view to servicing clients at their utmost satisfaction. Our pliant network architecture ensures that we will have the flexibility to offer a full spectrum of services to meet the demands of our customers, both today and tomorrow. ADG LDI has planned to provide wholesale IP interconnection, transport, and call completion of packet-based voice traffic over an integrated IP and TDM platform.
The product architecture provides both inbound and outbound call flows that are secure, carrier class quality and scalable. Therefore, the Company offers high-value, competitive proposals for the international termination with international calls being terminated at all POPs (Point of Preference) in Pakistan. The Company believes that voice termination is all about quality. The demand for it is getting stronger throughout the industry. Competing in this market means making no concessions whatsoever to the quality-of-services, whilst maintaining the flexibility to offer competitive rates.
ADG LDI is striving to become a leading, profitable, service-oriented organization that consistently delivers innovative solutions and reliable services. ADG LDI is aggressively moving forward into a digital revolution with its ability to seamlessly connect and enable smarter, faster, cost-effective and flexible communication solutions for its customers.

Voice Termination
Taking the voice from the initial to final terminal has been automated in this service with secure and easy online portals. These automated carrier domains streamline business in multi-culture.

We are positioning this feature to let you updated with the whole IT infrastructure and enjoy the flexibility in cost, quality of service and restraint in risks. We opt advancement for our clients and we prompt them.

Our network is ramping a high-fidelity Infra and extrastructure encompassing secure carrier grid, high speed multi-protocol IP switch handling mobile and fixed line services. It is nevertheless a module to attain exhuberant generation of revenue and low cost avenue. Our network agenda is fully powered and secured for long route routing. Here goes the terminals we sustain for the routing purposes: Paris to UK, Miami to UK, London to Lahore- Islamabad, Lahore-Islamabad to Karachi, Lahore-Islamabad to Faisalabad.

For any query, feedback or suggestion,
please feel yourself free to contact.
19-Babar Block New Garden Town,
Lahore, Pakistan